
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2021

How to become a better collaborator

  Collaboration   happens more often than we realize. Whether it's for a work project, a creative endeavor, or an everyday problem, situations arise where it's required or we seek it out on our own. Collaboration can be defined as  working together with others to achieve a common goal . This may seem easy in theory but being an effective collaborator can sometimes be a challenge. Watch the video below to learn how to improve your collaboration skills. Listening It's important to  not let your ego take hold . When collaborating, it can be easy to get so wrapped up in your own ideas that you're not giving your full attention and consideration to everyone else's. If everyone in the room falls prey to this, there wouldn't really be any collaboration happening. Take time to  really listen  and  process  the ideas of others. An important part of the collaborative process is everyone having the opportunity to share their ideas and be both heard and under...

What is art?

  When we hear the word   art , some of our minds jump to museums or framed paintings. And in that context, some people think,   I'm not really a big fan of art. I just don't get it.   Or maybe they think of art as something that's just for intellectuals, or   artsy   people. But really, art is for  anyone who wants to experience it , and it's often in more places than we might realize. Songs you like, movies you watch, poems, theater, even a quilt that your grandmother made: All of this, and more, is art. Watch the video below to learn more about art. So you might be wondering,  Well, then, what is art exactly ? This can be tough. Art has been around for thousands of years, and through the ages it has evolved in a number of ways. The reasons for creating it vary from person to person, depending on any number of factors as well, so defining art is pretty tricky and is something that's been debated throughout history. There simply  isn't one a...

The dangers of perfectionism

  While you may feel that being a perfectionist at work can make you a better employee, did you know that it can also make you less productive? Watch the video below to learn some tips for avoiding perfectionism. Being a perfectionist might mean that you spend too much time on tasks, trying to get them just right. This could backfire, causing you to neglect other tasks and duties. A good way to remedy this is to set deadlines for your projects and stick to them, rather than working on something until it's  perfect . As a perfectionist, you may also believe that others can't do the work as well as you can. This may leave your coworkers with the feeling that you don't trust them. You'll also likely end up giving yourself a larger workload than you can handle. If this is the case, try delegating tasks when appropriate. Remind yourself that there are many  right  ways to solve a problem, not only the way you do them. If your coworker has a different solution, give them a...

Breaking through a creative block

  When you're on your creative A game, firing on all cylinders, it's a great feeling. But what about the opposite end of the spectrum, when you find yourself   struggling   and the creativity just isn't flowing? How do you break through this   creative block ? Watch the video below to learn about breaking through a creative block. When we hit a creative block, it's often  stressful . And this stress can stifle our creativity even more. It can sometimes be helpful to step away from a project or focus on something else entirely. Alfred Hitchcock, the director of films like  Psycho  and  Vertigo , sometimes struggled while working on screenplays with co-writers. They'd hit a creative block, which led to heated arguments about the script. Out of nowhere, Hitchcock would start telling a story about something completely unrelated. It would seem random at first, but he was intentionally trying to take focus away from the project and remove the stress fro...

Following your creative impulses

  As children, we are highly creative and imaginative beings. We're constantly acting on our   impulses : speaking our thoughts out loud as they pop into our heads, and letting our imaginations inform many of our actions. But as we grow older, we're taught to control these impulses. They still occur to us, but we often ignore them or keep them to ourselves. And this is generally a good thing—a world without impulse control would be a pretty chaotic place. But how do we rediscover that  impulsive, free-flowing creativity  we experienced as children? Watch the video below to learn how to tap into your creative impulses. Freewriting After saying "no" to our impulses for most of our lives, it can be difficult to start following them again in a creative sense. One way you can reduce your inhibition is through  freewriting , an exercise where you  write continuously  for a certain amount of time without worrying about the topic or it being "correct". The fin...

Everyone can be creative

Everyone can be creative Everyone can be creative, where they realize it or not. A lot of people tend to think creativity is binary: Either you have it, or you don't. But in reality, we do all have it. It's just a matter of how we interpret it. Some people think,  I'm not an artist, so I don't really use creativity at work . But it's more than just artistic expression. Whether you're working in retail or you're in an office, or even if you're a professional athlete, you're probably using creativity to make decisions and solve problems on a daily basis. Watch the video below to learn more about everyday creativity. Creativity is both a skill and a process. It's something you can learn. And like any other skill, it's something you can get better at through practice and repeated use. Now, you might think,  I don't have time to sit down and create something every day . This is when it's important to realize the difference between using cr...

How to set up a Wi-Fi network

  The Internet is a really powerful tool. It gives us access to all kinds of information at a moment's notice—think email, Google search, and Wikipedia. So there's something a little counterintuitive about only being able to use the Internet when you sit down at a desktop computer. What if you could use the Internet from anywhere in your home or office? If you already have high-speed (broadband) Internet service at your house, it's pretty easy to create your own  home wireless network . Commonly known as  Wi-Fi , a wireless network allows you to connect laptops, smartphones, and other mobile devices to your home Internet service without an Ethernet cable. Purchase a wireless router To create your own Wi-Fi network, you'll need a  wireless router . This is the device that will broadcast the Wi-Fi signal from your Internet modem throughout your house. Your Internet service provider (ISP) may offer you a wireless router for a small monthly fee. If you've never set up a...